Updates and musings from one momma nurse


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Here and there

Poor baby threw up a couple weeks ago. I took a half day and stayed home with her to keep an eye on her. She seemed to recover quickly, but when I gave her some Pedialyte to drink, she took a few sips then handed it back to me, saying, "Sweet Pea no yike(like) it."

Patient tossed her cookies at me. No, literally, she picked up the cookie from her dinner tray and threw it toward the door while calling me and the nurse liars and cheats. Dementia is fun for everyone..

Clinical is going well. Instructor told me on our second day that my charting was excellent, I'm efficient, and wanted me to take two patients right away (rather than one). That clinical ends next week, and then it is on to Psychiatric Nursing. Should be fun. ;)

I am learning tons, from each patient I have. I am developing more of my nursing confidence and personality. I'm getting better (though still not a pro) at assessing. I love looking up meds and figuring out why a patient is on them and how they might interact. I love chatting with patients and getting more of a total picture on them. I love being able to do a little education, whether it is on how a med works, or an aspect of self-care, or nutrition, or even lifestyle changes.

Even when I head into work on the weekends, I find myself applying what I've learned during the week. I wish I could sit down and do a more complete assessment on some of my patients, because I see needs and just want to be able to meet them..

My first degree was in Education (Special, then Elementary, then Junior High), and while that wasn't quite the right fit for me, I can see what drew me to it. I do enjoy connecting with people, teaching them, giving them tools to be healthier/happier. The difference maker for me seems to be "class size", so to speak. I do fabulously individually and in small groups (<10), but stick me in front of 30 kids and I panic.

I just got my schedule for next semester, and it is looking good. Critical care and community nursing, plus a research class with a prof who is brilliant, has high expectations, and teaches well. Can't think of anyone better to teach it.

Sweet Pea is forever asserting her independence and testing her boundaries. She almost always wants to climb up into the car/carseat by herself, no help, rather than having me put her in. At bedtime, she likes to pull up her little rocking chair (handed down through my family from over 100 years ago) next to my glider and hold my hand as we rock, rather than sitting on my lap the whole time like she used to. She tries almost everything first on her own before asking for help if needed. She is a car-radio dictator, protesting loudly if she does not like whatever song is playing, but declaring her approval if she does. It has now become necessary to channel some of her toddler bursts of emotion.. The word "MINE!" has entered her vocabulary. She is learning to say something like "I'm playing with that right now" instead.

Though we've weaned (as of her 2nd birthday), Sweet Pea sometimes still asks to nurse. The other night as we rocked side by side, she pointed and said, "Mommy boops?" Yes, those are Mommy's boops. "Sweet Pea eat Mommy's boops?" No, no you are not going to eat my boops. Thank you for asking.

She's starting to understand if.. then.. statements. One morning she refused to put on her jacket on our way out the door, but when I explained that it was cold outside and we could only go to Grandma's if she put her jacket on, she said "ok" and calmly walked over.

I know they call these the Terrible Twos, and we have moments where I want to pull my hair out, but overall I am loving this stage (as I have enjoyed each stage so far).

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15

is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

I think more people have been affected by a loss than most of us realize.

Know someone who is going through a loss and don't know what to say?

Don't say:

-You can have another. (I don't want another. I wanted that one.)

-It was God's will.

-There was probably something wrong with the baby.

-nothing. (Loss is isolating. Thinking no one else remembers/cares is an awful feeling.)

Do say:

-I'm sorry.

-I'm here for you. (Hugs, someone to talk it out with, and a shoulder to cry on go a long way.)

-How are you doing today? (And listen to the answer.)

Every person grieves differently. What helped me most was writing out my thoughts in a journal, having a tangible object (for me, a Willow Tree figurine) to hold/touch as a physical reminder, and talking about it.

I have more to say about nursing school and a sick toddler and work, but today those take a back burner.

Monday, October 12, 2009

A couple more stories

1. This morning as I was getting her dressed, she was requesting songs. She'd say "A C O song?" and we would sing the alphabet.. she'd say "1 2 Jesus song?" and we'd sing the 1-2-3 Jesus Loves Me song. Then she grins and says "Doo dah song?" I cannot recall any song she calls that, so I question her.. "What is the doo dah song?" She cracks up. She asks again. I say "I don't know a doo dah song." She cracks up again. Did my kid just tell a joke?

2. This weekend we did some shopping. As we are walking out of the mall through the department store, we pass a lingerie display. She points to a large picture and says "Boop!" Yes, that is a boop. Then she looks at me, leans back, and points to my chest with both hands. "Boops! Same!"

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sweet Pea-isms

Some funny things and new phrases the kid has said in the last several weeks (some of these may be repeats from Facebook):

-When she wants something- "Mommy get it" or "Mommy reach"
-When she wants to do something independently, like climb into her carseat- "Sweet Pea do it"
-If she's standing on something she shouldn't- "Careful"
-When she falls down or knocks something over- "Oopa" (Opa)
-"first down" while watching her favorite sport
-When it's time to comb her hair after a bath, she requests to watch football
-There's a statue of a pirate (Captain Morgan) on top of a local bar we pass a few times a week.. she has called it "Jesus" on more than one occasion. Most priests are also Jesus.
-A phrase she hears often at daycare, she'll walk around saying "Shh, friends sleeping."
-"big hug" (love those!)
-She wanted to play catch with a friend at daycare, but the friend wasn't paying attention and Sweet Pea couldn't remember her name. She yelled, "Catch.. honey!" and threw the ball.
-When putting dolls to bed, she says "potty first" and sits them on the potty for a few seconds before covering them with a blanket.
-I put her to bed, and lingered for a minute telling her things like "I love you, night night". She responded with "Door?" I said "Yes, I'll close the door". She said "Mommy, go!" Ok fine, so much for ooshy gooshy sentimentals.

Sentences are getting more complex: "Daddy waffle all gone" "Grandma's house tomorrow"

Formula for fun game:
Cover knees with washcloth/blanket/wipe.
Proclaim "knee hiding"
Repeat till caregiver acknowledges that yes, your knees are hiding
Pull washcloth/blanket/wipe off and yell "Boo"
Repeat process with other body parts and/or any nearby object.

Other fascinations:
-comparing "big" and "little"
-playing catch
-running (and proclaiming that she is running)
-biting things (darn those 2 year molars.. they had better show up soon- she's also drooling like a 6 month old and has her tongue hanging out 80% of the time while awake)
-voicing an opinion on whatever outfit Mommy has picked out for her for the day
-pointing out body parts on pictures, other people, animals
-finding things that are the same