I wrote out a whole post Sunday afternoon, and SOMEBODY wandered over and managed to replace it with a bunch of jibberish. Sigh.
I have a test in the morning. I've done quite a bit of studying (actually, more than the other tests I've had this semester), so hopefully I'll do well. It would be nice to be able to keep my A!
Before my test, though, I'm taking the kid in to see the doctor. Poor girl has a bad diaper rash that made the doc think she had a bacterial infection. We've been using the special cream on it, but it's not getting much better, so I'm taking her back in. She's hating diaper changes lately (understandably), so hopefully we can get this issue resolved so it's not so painful for her, and less of a struggle for me!
With that, it is time to go to bed. We have an early morning tomorrow!
Updates and musings from one momma nurse
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Have you tried Lamasil? Gabe gets yeast down there, and lamasil gets rid of it right away!