Sweet Pea (23 months) is undeniably no longer a baby. I am amazed at all she can do, how quickly she picks up on concepts, how much she knows! She knows most of the basic colors (green sometimes gives her trouble) including gray and brown and black, counts to 4 on her own and to 10 with help, recognizes some letters and shapes, and has been talking more and more. It's hard to believe three short months ago is when she really started saying words!
She likes to sing (I catch her singing to herself in her crib in the mornings), taking walks and pointing out evvvverything she sees. ("Car. Red!" "You see a red car?" "Yeah! Bike. Helmet, no!" "Yeah, he isn't wearing a helmet, is he?" "No! Inside?" "Sure, maybe he left his helmet inside today." "Ball! Boy! Green car! Kitty, eow!"), scooting around on her ride-on toy, toting her baby doll around (changing her diaper, taking her to the door and pointing out all the colors of cars to HER), and coloring. Oh how we love coloring!
She is a sweet girl, sleeps well, can sometimes entertain herself, and even picks up and puts away toys when she is done with them!
She starts daycare this fall, which I'm sure will be a tougher adjustment for Momma than for her!
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